Every Youth Deserves a Trained Leader
Providing our youth with the best Scouting experience possible requires dedicated and well-trained Adult Leaders. This page and your Quivira Council Training Team are dedicated to offering you a range of training opportunities.
Youth Protection Training
True youth protection can be achieved only through the focused commitment of everyone in Scouting. It is the mission of Youth Protection volunteers and professionals to work within the Boy Scouts of America to maintain a culture of youth protection awareness and safety at the national, regional, area, council, district and unit levels.
Youth protection training is a requirement to be an adult volunteer or participant in Boy Scouts of America. While you do not have to be a registered member to take youth protection training, to fully participate and register with BSA, youth protection training must be current.
The preferred method for completing Youth Protection Training is through the online module offered at my.scouting.org. Click here to login and take Youth Protection Training. Additionally, person to person trainings are available on a very limited basis through the Council’s dedicated Youth Protection advocate, Blake Barnard. Check this page for upcoming trainings.
Online Training
The Boy Scouts of America offers excellent on-line training to registered volunteers on my.scouting.org. More than 400 online training courses are currently offered, including basic training for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Crew Leaders, Committee Chairs and Members, and more. Online courses include Joining Courses, Position Specific Courses, and Supplemental Courses. For more information please visit the BSA’s Adult Training Page.
In-person Training
The Quivira Council Training Team offers in-person training courses on a variety of subjects across the Council. Each year, the team provides several sessions of outdoor skills training courses for leaders of Cub Scouts (Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation or BALOO) and Scouts BSA (Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills or IOLS). The Team also provides Wilderness First Aid, train the trainer sessions such as Trainer’s EDGE, and a variety of supplemental training on at least an annual basis. Advanced leadership courses, such as Wood Badge and National Youth Leader Training (NYLT) are offered every 12 to 18 months. More information about upcoming training opportunities and links to sign up are set out below:
Training Opportunities
NRA Instructor courses are discipline specific. During the course candidates will learn NRA policies and procedures; basic public speaking skills; training methodology; use of a training team and training aids; organizing a course, building a budget; and finally preparing to teach. In addition, candidates will be provided the appropriate lesson plans and basic course student packets. Role-playing is a major part of an instructor course; therefore, the minimum class size should be at least four candidates, with 10-12 candidates being ideal. Candidates take turns working in teams, actually conducting portions of the course to other candidates who portray basic students.
This course will certify you to operate the BB Gun and Archery range at both District and Council Cub Scout activities. Range Master training will cover the basics of BB Guns and Bows & Arrows, range etiquette and safety, as well as range policies. This certification lasts for two years.
Cub Scout Den Leader Position-Specific Training has been developed to give new leaders the knowledge, skills, tools, and enthusiasm that they need to be successful. The course is designed to provide Cub Scout leaders with the basic information they need to successfully carry out the duties of their position.
IOLS is an outdoor, hands-on course designed to expose adult Scouts BSA, Varsity, and Venturing leaders to First Class scout skills using the EDGE Method and presented in a Troop/Patrol setting. Presentations include Leave No Trace, Interfaith worship, knots & lashings, wood tools, fire building, cooking, backpacking, plant & animal identification, and more.
Every youth deserves a trained leader! All adult direct contact leaders in Scouts BSA, Varsity and Venturing with outdoor programs must have IOLS to be considered “trained” and wear the “Trained” patch. This training is required for Scoutmasters, Advisors and their assistants to be re-chartered.
All BSA registered adults may attend. Participants MUST have completed current “Youth Protection Training” prior to course.
This one and one-half day course is designed as an introduction to the Cub Scout outdoor program for those leaders (Cubmasters, Ass’t. Cubmasters, Den leaders, other pack leaders, and parents) who are interested in adding a camping component to their Pack activities. BALOO is an instructor-led course that is conducted at the Council level. BSA’s Cub Scout level camping policies will be taught along with the necessary tools to help units carry out a successful camping experience.