
Renewal Webinar from 12/11/24.

Please have your unit number and Chartered Organization name in the subject!

Commissioners for 2024 Renewal

KanzaMark Hunter620-245-0801
Osage NationBill Carson508-725-6164
PawneeMark Hunter620-245-0801
South WindsChad Reinard570-486-1112
White BuffaloBrian Formy-Duval913-705-0710
Recharter CommissionerVickie Cannon316-655-7221
Council CommissionerMatt Galacia860-428-0875
Attention Unit Leaders!

As some of you may have noticed, the new renewal process is well underway! Our own Santa Fe Trail District has been deep in the new system since May, and we wanted to share the subjects that may cause you the most trouble with this new system.

  • All renewals with financial assistance must be processed through the council office. This includes Council Financial aid, Kancare and Popcorn incentive. If a youth is processed through the software the funds go straight to national and we will be unable to assist. Requests for reimbursement after registration has been processed will not be honored.
  • Communication between Key 3’s is essential at this time. There have been a few units where multiple people have been able to get into a unit renewal at the same time creating the potential for multiple payments on the same renewals. This creates a need for a refund from National and that will take months.
  • Be aware! Subscription to Scout Life is checked as the default on ALL renewals. If you do not uncheck the box before you start the payment process, the unit/individual will be charged for the subscription. If you start the payment process, even if you do not complete it, you cannot unsubscribe from Scout Life. Please be diligent when reviewing your renewals.
  • Even with the system marked “unit will pay”, parents can still pay the youth’s renewal. Units must discuss with all parents how they plan to have participants pay. If the person/parent pays individually, not to council or unit, parents and volunteers need to know that the funds will go straight to national, and we cannot guarantee a refund.
  • The payment system does not update overnight it only updates at month end. So, there currently is not a way to verify someone has paid their renewal until the month they paid ends. If individuals do not pay through the unit, they need to make the unit aware they paid.
  • If an individual has multiple positions up for renewal, they will need to renew the paid position first and renew their multiplied position the next day. This means if your COR (Charter Organization Representative) is also multipled as a committee member, they will need to process their paid role as COR first and the next day their multipled role will be available for renewal without being charged multiple times.
  • Monitor membership renewal deadlines and remind your members. While the National office sends reminder emails to individual members or their guardians and the unit Key 3, not all Key 3’s have received these emails. Please monitor individual membership renewal deadlines and frequently communicate with those who need to renew. You can find renewal deadlines in the “Expiration Date” column on your unit roster or by running the “Members Due to Renew” report for your unit in

As we navigate this new renewal process, we understand there may be some initial challenges.

To minimize frustration, we are asking all units to pay at the council office for individuals due to renew now.

As we become more familiar with the system and work out any issues, Council involvement will decrease. Our goal is to streamline the process and reduce frustration wherever possible.

Thank you for your cooperation as we adjust to these changes together.

You can learn more about the renewal process HERE! You can download a Renewal Step by Step HERE!

Welcome and thank you for using internet renewal from Boy Scouts of America. Internet renewal allows you to renew your unit’s charter online and perform the following actions:

Before beginning internet renewal, collect all member information, including new member forms with the appropriate signatures, and from all adult members collect the signed background check form (if not already given) and proof of current YPT.